We, at PSA Academies, are continuing to closely monitor the developing situation regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19).
We are well aware that the situation is changing rapidly across the EU and we are constantly monitoring the advice and guidelines of the national governments in our key markets and the World Health Organisation (WHO), via the links below.
Any decisions we make as a company regarding our operational procedures, including the safe delivery of our Academy programmes for the players and staff involved, will be directly driven by the prevailing government policies and any updated legal/statutory requirements in the countries where our venues are located (Ireland, France & the UK).
For those participants already booked in for one of our Academy programmes and therefore covered as standard by our travel insurance policy, our Travel Insurance partner Endsleigh have confirmed where the policyholder stands should they be unable and/or unwilling to travel due to the COVID-19 crisis.
Their policy terms (which are consistent with the travel insurance industry as a whole – see the ABI website here) are as follows;
- If the participant cannot travel because they have an illness that has required medical intervention (including the COVID-19 virus) the customer will be covered for all relevant booking fees and travel costs as part of the Insurer’s policy terms (subject to successfully fulfilling the insurer’s reclaim process)
- If the participant cannot travel because they are told not to leave the country on advice or otherwise decide that they no longer wish to travel – they would NOT be covered for all relevant booking fees and travel costs by the travel insurance policy (see the insurance policy document here – page 13, point 13)
Please see our full booking Ts&Cs here for further information on our policy regarding booking fee refunds payable in the event that an Academy programme is postponed or cancelled for unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances beyond our control, without it being possible to deliver a suitable alternative programme.
Should anything change in terms internally or externally that may affect your booking, we will update this statement at the earliest possible juncture accordingly. Otherwise, please feel free to contact us at any stage regarding your booking and/or interest in the 2020 PSA Rugby Academies.
The PSA Academies Team
Official Information Sources
- NHS UK Updates – https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/coronavirus-covid-19/
- UK Government Updates https://www.gov.uk/government/topical-events/coronavirus-covid-19-uk-government-response
- UK Foreign Travel Advice – https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice
- UK Government Advice – travel to France https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/france/health
- UK Government Advice – travel to Ireland https://www.gov.uk/foreign-travel-advice/ireland/health
- HSE Ireland Updates – https://www2.hse.ie/conditions/coronavirus/coronavirus.html
- Irish Government Updates – https://www.gov.ie/en/news/7e0924-latest-updates-on-covid-19-coronavirus/
- Irish Government Advice – travel to France https://dfa.ie/travel/travel-advice/a-z-list-of-countries/france/
- Irish Government Advice – travel to UK https://dfa.ie/travel/travel-advice/a-z-list-of-countries/great-britain
- French Government Updates – https://www.gouvernement.fr/info-coronavirus
- French GovernmentTravel Advice – https://www.diplomatie.gouv.fr/en/coming-to-france/coronavirus-advice-for-visitors-to-france/
World Health Organization (WHO)
- https://www.who.int/emergencies/diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019