The role of nutrition in the development and maintenance of top sporting performance is critical and within the PSA Rugby Academy experience, this is an area of real theoretical and practical focus for our coaching and camp staff.
In partnership with Titan Wellness, our players at all age grades enjoy a sports nutrition session that introduces them to all the key principles and concepts behind quality nutrition for top athletic performance. Delivered at our 2018 Academies in Ireland by ex-Munster player Jonny Holland, the session introduced the ‘Eat A Rainbow’ principle and other key take aways around fueling for match day, refuelling post-training and optimising hydration during training and match performance. With plenty of opportunity to interact via aQ&A, the feedback on the module from players and parents in our post-camp survey was very positive.
« My son came back happy with the training and the lessons sports nutrition-wise are priceless as since he came back from camp he won’t drink sodas… He is more careful about his food choice. As a parent who tried to make him aware for a while, it’s a battle won. » Christelle, Parent, Roscrea 2018
Also, we work closely with all our PSA Rugby Academy venues to ensure that the menus for breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks are healthy, nutritious and suitable for a high-performance rugby development programme. Careful attention is placed on ensuring players have adequate food and hydration to train and recover in the prevailing summer conditions, with flexibility for any players with special dietary requirements, whether related to medical conditions, religious considerations or other factors.
Each PSA Rugby Academy also operates a camp shop where similar principles also apply, with only products that meet minimum sports nutrition standards available to buy. Among the most popular items at the 2018 shops wereVitHit sports drinks, Fulfil Bars, Natural ConfectionaryJellies and Koka noodles. The shop is open for a limited period each day and players are limited in terms of the number of items that they can purchase.